What goals have you recently set for yourself? How are you doing with these goals so far?

Don’t forget your free, 3-Goal Accomplishing Strategies to Solidify Your Growth (Audio File).

Each year, 60% of the population sets a resolution, but less than 10% keep them.  By February, more than half of the people who created a goal or resolution, give up on them.

What happens over a period of 30 days that causes so many to give up?  You started the year optimistic, full of energy, and ready to change the world.

In most cases, the failure was the result of failing to plan.  When you start the year full of energy and optimism, there is only one place to go from here…. down.

I would liken it to a couple who just married after dating for a couple weeks.  They never discussed children, where they were going to live, or their expected lifestyle.  The answer to these questions do not matter in the first month, but you can be sure they will come up. 

If one person believes 60% of a paycheck should be saved each month, and the other thinks 100% should be spent each month – they are going to face difficulties.

If one person does not want to have any children, while the other wants to have ten – they are going to face difficulties.

What often happens when we make goals and resolutions is we never plan how we are going to achieve them.  We never plan for difficulties, and as a result, when our willpower tank is on empty, we end up quitting our resolution.

Your willpower is an exhaustible resource and it is not going to hold up long enough for you to solidify the change you want to make in your life. 

If your goal is to get a job that pays more, what are you going to do after you apply for fifty jobs and no one calls you for an interview?  If you are working on willpower, then you are going to stop applying for jobs.  No one likes the feeling of rejection or failure, so your mind discourages you from participating in such activities. 

If you researched ahead of time, maybe you would find out your expectations were unrealistic.  For example, if you knew it took an average of six months to get a job, would you be as discouraged after one month?  Probably not.

What if your planning uncovered that you needed a certification to get your dream job?  With this information, you will either look at the prerequisites to become certified, or you will modify your job search.

If we put as much time in planning our resolutions as we do into purchasing a new vehicle, we would all be better for it.

When was the last time you just woke up and said, today I am going to buy a new car?

  • I am not going to get preqaulified.
  • I am not going to review anyone’s inventory before showing up.
  • I am not going to determine how much my trade-in value is.
  • I am not going perform any research on any vehicle, I am just going to show up and expect to find my next car.

Of course, this can work for some.  However, I suspect most of you are not purchasing cars this way.  Reason being, you know how difficult it is to make decisions spontaneously.  

You accomplishing your improvement goal is no different.  If you force yourself to make spontaneous decisions, you are going to drain your mental energy.  Once your mental energy is drained, you are going to find it almost possible to make the right decision.

To help you in your quest of growth, do not forget to get your 3-Goal Accomplishing Strategies to Solidify Your Growth (Audio File).

Continued blessings,

Undre Griggs | Forecast Hope | Be More

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